We all love music. It’s the soundtrack to our lives, underscoring moments of joy and love, sadness and longing. Music connects us to the rhythms and frequencies of nature. The deeper we listen to music, the more we begin to hear it all around us – in birdsongs and crashing waves. Everyone can benefit greatly from learning an instrument and deepening their love of music.

Brian Jackson is a pianist, guitarist and vocalist who has taught music in the Portland area for the past 12 years. His rural high school didn’t have a music program so he began studying music at Sierra College when he was 15. He earned a degree in Music Education there and went on to play in dozens of bands, recording and performing all over the country. He is fluent in many musical styles. He later earned a degree in Film Studies from Portland State and is just as happy talking movies as he is talking music.

Brian’s number one goal with each of his students is to help them cultivate a

joyful musical practice.

Brian says, “Building a repertoire and improving technique are important goals, but the real magic happens when we can count on music and can draw from that creative well for strength and inspiration throughout our lives.”

2620 NE Fremont St

Portland, Oregon